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Good eating habits start in childhood - choose healthy recipes.

Eating behavior begins in childhood

Enrola, Chore e Come é um livro infantil que aborda o comportamento da criança em relação aos alimentos
Capa do livro Enrola, Chora e Come. Livro que aborda comportamento da criança perante aos alimentos.

During the process of development and publishing the Enrola, Chore e Come*, (Stubbornness, crying and eating), I bring out my old memories of my chilhood when my little sister didn't want to eat anything. She was very selective with which food she will eat and barely she eat something.

My mother, by despair, tried everthing that she could. She bought a new little bowl to my sister. And of course, she chose what she wanted.

I remember that she ate very well rice with bean brouth, it was look like a soup. She has hated tomato skin and she named it as "titino".

Due to attend my sister, my mother hadn't put tomatos in the foods preparations, only on salad.

I didn't get the demands from my little sister, but I also had my owns: I didn't eat some kind of meat. On the other hand, my brother would ate everything. He would be the character José of the book history.

My mother used a lot of criativity (and maybe divine orientation) in order to prepare the meal to her children. My mom always seek to invent new health recepies to attend her kids.

The time past, the tastes changed. I wouldn't like to eat beetroot and eggplant and I started to eat at my 18 years.

What makes me to choose these health food it was the way of preparation. Yes, depends on the way the food was prepared. The taste was the great key for me.

I know that the health and balanced food, made us health adults. I notice my mom, at 70 age, how health she is. She always put a kind of salad on the table during the meals, even if we have showed a disgusting face, but we ate some leaves, lettuces and vegetables.

I found an article very interesting that talks about this kind of behaviour. According to the authors, the concerning of the parents is on the quantity of food, not the quality. They still complemented that cultural, psyco and social aspects influence on the child behaviour.

It is knowing that food is of the reasons that contributes to some kind of deseases. It means that feeding with quality food makes the difference between health and illness.

The conclusion of the article, was the family is responsible for shaping the child's behavior that will be continued until the adult phase. The parents are the first nutricional educators.

It is worthy to read the article that discuss about children behaviour face to the food and also the book Enrola, Chora e Come*, (Stubbornness, crying and eating) that through the poetic way, the author Danila Orlandim invites the children to try a good and health food.

*The book: Enrola, Chora e Come is in only in portuguese version.

Follow the compleat article on the Jornal Pediatria web site -

Desenvolvimento do comportamento alimentar infantil

Autoras: Maurem Ramos

Nutricionista e Mestranda de Psicologia Social e da Personalidade, Programa de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Psicologia da PUCRS, Mestrado de Psicologia Social e da Personalidade.

Lilian M. Stein

Psicóloga, Ph.D, professora adjunta, Programa de Pós-graduação da Faculdade de Psicologia da PUCRS, Mestrado de Psicologia Social e da Personalidade.


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